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Darker nights and dungeons


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One thing that really bothers me, is the fact that the night is too bright. Same with dungeons. There are never any use for torches or light spells as you can see clearly anyway.

The current night in skyrim looks like a clouded day-time.


If anyone could make a mod that actually makes darkness dark it would be great, would make the world much better and I could actually find a use for my torches :)

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Before I made my own request I looked to see if anyone else had already asked for the same thing. Yup... here it is.


Please please please... dark nights and dungeons are essential, IMHO, to not only a realistic game but to the overall experience of suspense and difficulty. What's the point of being Kajhit, with inherent Night Eye, if it's never dark? With all the improvements that have been put into the game over Oblivion... it looks to me as if they actually used quite a few of the mod ideas from OB in Skyrim... I really don't understand why it's never dark. Maybe because it's so far north it's like living in Alaska?


Give us a break... someone please make Darker Nights and Dungeons for Skyrim.

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