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True Anthropomorphic Orca


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I haven't Seen Much True Anthropomorphis Races on the ElderScrolls, ony as monsters and Enemies some of them yeah


I wish one ore many of you can Make something utterly new Race From the Ocean predator as the great orca http://th09.deviantart.net/fs37/300W/i/2008/271/3/8/Male_Orca_Anthro_by_TaesoSpiritDragon.jpg


Is anyone Up to the Challenge i give you?


For the True Anthropomorphic Races?

Edited by Pyrothraxus MoonStar
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Dude, nobody is going to make a mod just so you can play as your fursona. If someone is gonna go to the trouble of making another playable aquatic race, it'll probably be some form of Dreugh or Sload.


Besides, anthropomorphics are already well represented in the Khajiit and the Argonians, hell, they both look and sound better than ever. Just... what are you on, man?


I love my beast races, always play as an argonian or khajiit, but an anthro orca? That wouldn't fit into the world of the elder scrolls at all. The elder scrolls has STRANGE stuff in it, if they made ANOTHER aquatic beast race after the argonians, it'd probably be something covered in chitin one way or the other.

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