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AE4 Energy Rifle with reference images.


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I'm hoping that an accomplished artist out there can have a go at bringing something like the AE4 Rifle into Fallout 4. I was thinking as a replacer for the Institute weapons, which in all honestly, look like someth9ing a kid would make from a milk carton and an empty toilet roll!


The AE4 is a nice looking energy weapon, and it's almost custom/purpose made for FO4's weapon mod system





Yes i did some photoschopping to add the Fusion Core and the existing Recon Scope, but that's really just as a guide. You could maybe make 2 "long" barrels ( i.e one even longer than the other) to make a difference between assau l rifle and sniper rifle. And you could change the Rifle/Sniper Grip to be the Melee attachment (or add an "Energy/Plasma Bayonet"


But I think this or something similar would be awesome in FO4 instead of the dumb looking Instate weapons, or even as a stand alone.

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