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Console Comannds


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Hi ppl,


Firstly i just want to say WOW this adventure is defn living up to a lot of my expectations, sure the textures could be better and the obligatory Bethesda release glitches, but im sure in time with patches they will get sorted out.


But this game is EPIC, im 20 hours in and cant tear myself away from my PC,lol.


Anyway back to the point or should i say question i have.


Can you console command QUEST items?


I dont go in for much the whole majorly cheating on the console, but like to have a peek at the different outfits to see which are best suited for my Character.


I have tried to get the Nightingale outfit and also the Greybeards outfit, it tells me they have been added but they are not actually in my inventory.


Does anyone know why this is, the only thing i can think of is that they dont show coz they are Quest Items, but im not really sure.


Advice would be much appreciated fellow adventurers.




Uriel V

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