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Main Menu Video Replacer (Concept/Request)


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The main menu for Skyrim is well-known as the Skyrim logo with fog rising around it. The concept of this idea is finding a way to replace the whole screen with not just a picture/animation, but an entire video such as Oblivion's Main Menu. A perfect video for this would be the intro I posted in my previous forum, this.


The conversion could include a video with no sound and maybe a simplified version with a lower resolution. If someone could find a way to convert a video into a file that can replace the main menu, the mod would be complete. The sound that goes with the video could be included by (if the video is on youtube) using the Youtube to mp3 Converter, converting the .mp3 file into a .xwm file and replacing the default music in the mainmenu in the files.


-Even if the sound and video were off-sync, this would be an amazing mod and I'm not asking for a miracle, just giving a concept for modders if they could figure it out.

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