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A few MOD requests


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I have not played the game very long at all.

I have a couple mod requests.

Some of these may have already been done or even requested.

But I am too lazy too look through all the threads.


So here goes.


Someone already has done snow, and people have requested footprints. I would like the edge of snowy / frozen textures to not look like someone used a paintroller on the rocks in Skyrim.


I would like a Horse texture where the horse is warpainted like the American Indians or Conan style.


Need Much harder to kill dragons. It is harder to kill a troll at this point in the game for me. And I am a level 7.


Something Like Deadly Reflex I am sure is in the works.


There was a .ini tweak or Mod for Mass Effect that fixed the shadows on faces ( IE on a person) . The ones in Skyrim act the same way. Is there a fix for this?


Any number of great mods from Oblivion could come over here . I would not have much to complain about at all for the next 5 years. Thanks to all the modders who make the Elder Scrolls series such a blast to play... or tweak endlessly. :biggrin:


That is all off the top of my head.


Edited by patemmett1972
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