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Dungeon Master fans(1987)....let's discuss Skyrim and DM. Skyrim=D


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Hello to any of you who may remember the old 1987 Amiga RPG "Dungeon Master". It is my favorite RPG of all time.


OK...I will preface this by saying I have NEVER played an Elder Scrolls game before. In fact the only game from Bethesda I have played is Fallout 3. Furthermore, this is the first RPG from a Western developer I have played since....well, Dungeon Master.


Now, call me bias or call me having a bad case of placebo, but I'll be DAMNED if Skyrim doesn't make me feel like I'm playing what a "Next-Gen" Dungeon Master game would be! It's really REALLY giving me DM vibes, and I'm absolutely LOVING IT!!! Sure there are aspects of Skyrim that are totally different to DM...open world, much better graphics, etc, but there are certain elements of Skyrim that share similarities, PARTICULARLY in the dungeon exploration department. The dungeon exploration, to me at least, screams DM! It's the kind of tight corridor navigating that I've always wanted in a next gen game. The graphics in some of the dungeons in skyrim have that grey-ish tone, with torches on the walls and old bones laying on the ground....but only with up to date graphics, and it's awesome. The enemies too are similar...I've been attacked by skeletons equipped with sword and shield, skorpions(yes, SKORPIONS!) mages in robes, and lots of other similar enemies. Only thing I haven't seen yet is a mummy...but I wouldn't be surprised if there in here too lol.


Everytime I fire up Skyrim I get chills down my spine. I feel like I'm back in 1988. Bethesda has blessed us DM fans with a game that they somehow knew we'd love. I can't help but think many members of Bethesda are DM fans, and got quite a few of their ideas from the Godfather of first person corridor RPGs. DM is the one that started it all, and its influence on next gen RPG developers is apparent.


This to me...feels like DM III. A game that I think would be almost exactly like what FTL would have done, had they made an updated Dungeon Master in 2011. What do you think of this? Am I crazy or is there some validity to my assumptions?

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Yes, you are crazy :wink: you've played too less rpgs. My experience from such things is that longplayed good games, nearly like drugs^^, make a touch on your soul and when you play a new one that is good it makes a new touch plus brings the older touches to vibrate, which makes a good reminding-feeling.


btw, i started a little bit later with gaming, but since eye of the beholder (1990) i played nearly every rpg what was released, so i know this feeling very well. Sometimes at good new games i have extreme flashbacks of all the good old games :happy:

Edited by Dalter
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I don't think it's strange to see comparisons. As far as I can tell there are quite a few parallels between Elder Scrolls: Arena and the sort of game that Dungeon Master was, so it could be argued that Elder Scrolls has evolved along the same sort of lines. Morrowind definitely had a lot of the harshness that Dungeon Master had (in terms of being quite unforgiving in many ways, though maybe this could be due to my playing Dungeon Master as a nine year old and not quite being wise to its ways). Must confess I probably wouldn't have made the leap from Dungeon Master to Skyrim though, but then I was playing all the other games along the way. :)


Must confess now I'm contemplating some sort of Dungeon Master mod. It probably wouldn't be too hard to build the DM game world in the editor, then just populate it with the nearest applicable monsters, and purple worms.

Edited by Monglor
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I don't think it's strange to see comparisons. As far as I can tell there are quite a few parallels between Elder Scrolls: Arena and the sort of game that Dungeon Master was, so it could be argued that Elder Scrolls has evolved along the same sort of lines. Morrowind definitely had a lot of the harshness that Dungeon Master had (in terms of being quite unforgiving in many ways, though maybe this could be due to my playing Dungeon Master as a nine year old and not quite being wise to its ways). Must confess I probably wouldn't have made the leap from Dungeon Master to Skyrim though, but then I was playing all the other games along the way. :)


Must confess now I'm contemplating some sort of Dungeon Master mod. It probably wouldn't be too hard to build the DM game world in the editor, then just populate it with the nearest applicable monsters, and purple worms.


that is an interesting idea Monglor :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I completely agree OP! I found this thread after thinking to myself .. hey ... I havent enjoyed a game so much since Dungeon Master! Except in my case I played it on the Atari ST, not the Amiga but lets not start up that war again! :)



Haha nice! :)


Yeah some of the dungeons in Skyrim definitely give me that "What if they made a Dungeon Master III for next gen?" vibe.

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