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This happened to me too and doing a quick google search i have found it's quite a common bug that ocurs quite often. The best fix i found was this:




Karliah bug fix-------------------------------------…

Okay...I've successfully passed the bug stage...this is what i did: When she stops to have the final chat, in the chamber with the 8 fires, you MUST be standing with your back to the barred ritual chamber, and your face pointing to the stones where you get your armor..(to trigger her chat, stay for 1 sec in front of her, then quickly position yourself behind her, as described above)....

She will start walking in the good direction, towards the barred door....you MUST save the game at this point..


NEXT, when she will reach the barred door, she will use the chain one time to many. The bars will drop, and then raise again....WHEN that happened, i simply bumped into her, just so that she opened the door but didn't close it again....if all is well, she will resume her walk across the ritual room and all will be ok...

Good luck


The above technique worked for me, but if it doesn't then the other one hopefully will.


What i did was : let her leave the place, next type in console : "prid 00058f1a" , after that type "moveto player" do it while standing close/near the chain. worked for me

Edited by BlakeK80
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  • 8 months later...

i think i know another way with out console commands.


im not 100% sure this will work, i randomly found it and it worked for me. after getting the nightingale armor and you group up near the hall to the gate, stay behind the others closer to the gate. after she talks to you and you say yes and the dialog end RUN to the gate.


they didn't repeat the dialog (every time for me after me and karliahs dialog ends her and brynyalf starts talking again) and karlia followed and opend the gate (after pulling the chain half a dozen times tho >.<)


duno if this alo fixes the guild master glitch hope it dose.



(srry for posting on something so late but just incase someone else needs the help)

Edited by ScarletSkye
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