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Slight first-person peek(lean) left or right, like rainbow six siege


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I think that it would be really sweet for gameplay and immersion in first person if you could use the bumpers on xbox controller or q/e on keyboard to lean slightly to the left or right like in this image:




Nothing as extensive as a cover-based system like this mod:




Not that this isn't a good mod already, but I think that for people who like to play in first person and maintain a lot of control over their character, a simple lean left or right animation to aim from would improve the gunplay and immersion quite a bit. What do you guys think?


I imagine controls functioning just like RS:S. Pressing q or e starts a short animation that makes your perspective change angle and your character lean slightly. During this animation you can still perform action such as aiming. Optional ability to have the lean toggle on and off so you don't have to hold button. So you basically cycle between 3 positions, Lean Left - Upright - Lean Right using Q or E keys.

Edited by WolfkillShepard
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Whilst not exactly what you're looking for there's a basic lean function in vanilla. If you stand close to a wall etc and aim you lean out to the side. Only mentioning it since it's easy to miss and I don't think it's even actually mentioned in game that you can do that.

Sorry if it's something you're already aware of, but a decent thingti use whilst you wait to see if there's any interest in making this. I also agree that a manual lean would be a great mod by the way, don't want you to think I'm trying to knock your idea haha

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