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"Refusing" To be in the "Mod Author" Group


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Recently, Skyrim came out, and I created this game-save which starts you out right where the guy says "Who are you?" but that's not what this post is about. At the time of posting this, I'll be at 996 unique downloads. It has come to my understanding that you need 1,000 to be in the mod author group. Now, you might say, "Why would someone not want to be in the mod author group!? It's special and stuff." Well, the answer in my case would be simple really. I believe that other authors of actual mods deserve such a position more than I do, however for some strange reason people don't end up downloading their mods. I just feel that if I'm accepted into the group that I don't deserve being in it. I would rather be accepted into the group after creating an actual modification or plugin for Skyrim whenever the Construction Set comes out for the game and create a "Spell Tome Expansion Pack." which is precisely what I would like to be known for instead should it be successful as I want it to be.


So what do you think? Do I deserve to be in the mod author group because I had a good idea, or should I wait til' later so I actually deserve the position.

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This is an interesting question, and speaks volumes for your humility in my opinion.


However, I say you gotta start somewhere. Look at it like this: you're going to be producing more mods in the future anyway and will achieve the "mod author" status just the same, so it's not like you're cheating the system.

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It should not matter if you create epic 3d work like Jojjo, or if you create simple, minor ,tweaks. You deserve to be in the group just as much as everyone else. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif Edited by alonsomartinez
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It feels nice to see that there are still some good people out there. I guess it's more about sharing than actual skills. This is the main thing this community is based on, in my opinion. So little things do matter. :thumbsup:
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You ARE making mods, and people are downloading them. :thumbsup:

That is what the author's forum is about, Not the content of the mods.


So, Welcome to the mod author's forum. :biggrin:

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