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Creating my first mod ... question!

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Heya everyone! :)


I am making a quest mod and it is my first attempt ever. I have read all the tutorials and watched the videos but I am still stuck!


I am trying to make a quest where you talk to an npc and she gives you a quest item. Then you take the quest item and put it into a container and the quest finishes. Unfortunately, I cannot get her to give me the actual quest item! :(


I have tried this - Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(MYQUESTITEM) ... And it works, except that it isn't an actual quest item, just a normal one.

I also tried - Alias_MYNPC.GetActorRef().RemoveItem(Alias_MYQUESTITEM.GetRef(), 1, false, Game.GetPlayer() ) .... but that doesn't do anything at all. It compiles, but nothing happens.


Any help would be loved!





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You don't need the NPC to have the object in order to give it to the player. Unlike in normal reality, the object can easily not exist and be added from nowhere to the player's inventory by the command.


From the rough sound of what you're describing, I'd check the properties that you've got attached to the script and make sure that in the properties you've specified the item record that the script is meant to add to the player's inventory.

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