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Fallout 3 errors and bugs


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I have a problem with the barter system. Every time I exit from the barter system with an NPC, my game freeze/crashes on me. So far this has happened with Lucky Harith and Doc Church. Currently I am a Talon Company merc in FWE's alternate start.


Here are the mods I am using


Fallout 3 and all DLC's






Mart's Mutant Mod

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Look through the posts here on this forum. There is something very important that you are neglecting to do.


Number one thing you're going to need before anyone can help you is to post a proper load order. Download FOMM. Copy your load order to the clipboard and come back here and post that.


You can't just turn mods on and expect them to work right. They have to be loaded into your game in the right order or they will clash... ESPECIALLY when you have extensive mods like the ones you say you're using.


There are patches and bugfixes and all manner of things that could be issues, but we won't know until you show us exactly which files you are trying to run and in what order.

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