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How does "sneak" actually works?


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My question is, could you sneak without having to sneak, like wearing an invisibility cloak and walk around and nobody would see you or you have to "tell" the game that you want to be sneaking.

I´m asking this question because i am working on a mod that when you equip an item, you shrink (like Chapulin Colorado, a mexican super hero/comedy from the ´80s) but when i shrink, i am as visible as when i´m big, but when i crouch to sneak, i sink into the floor (like it where water or something) and it only stops happening after i´m the size of a child, wich totally ruins the "flavor" of the mod.

So, is there a chance i can turn on stealth mode just by equiping an item or pressing the crouch key is the only way?

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From my observation which has turned into me hating NV's stealth system: Yes you must tell the game you want to sneak otherwise sneak skill doesnt help. Stealth field effects...I havent been able to look at too much but it probably works the same way.
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Actually i am pretty sure i tried making a stealth field effect on an armor i had in geck, i am pretty sure i was stealthed even without the crouch. :) so it would be a peace of cake to make an invisibility cloak mod if you know how to model. Edited by BOND777
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Mmm, but can i use a chameleon effect without looking like predator? My modding skills are really basic but i have a couple of friends who know one or two things about scripting so basically i´ll try to ask them for assistance.

But since they know nothing about GECK i just want to know as much as i can to give them a hand.

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