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Has anyone thought of adding the "This is Sparta" 300 thing to the Fus Ro Dah? It would be hilarious to have my character shout that at a giant and knock him off a cliff. Just like in the video on Youtube



eh, i think the fus ro dah thing is a little better. being topical and all.

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Has anyone thought of adding the "This is Sparta" 300 thing to the Fus Ro Dah? It would be hilarious to have my character shout that at a giant and knock him off a cliff. Just like in the video on Youtube



eh, i think the fus ro dah thing is a little better. being topical and all.


Well the name of the topic is FUS RO DAH and it is listed in the mod request section of the forums. So I think it is a reasonable request, don't you?

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