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Khajit All 4's Sprint, CLIMB, and Jump


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Possibly make the khajit more like a cat raer than a furry anything else. Climb walls (animation of course lol).


My girlfriend made the suggestion that it could get on all 4's to sprint, like a normal cat would. Maybe have a super sprint for khajit!


Cat's can jump high...


Oh and cats are nimble. Khajit with light armour should have little less fall damage from relatively low heights.


Just some suggestions. Please don't flame me lol

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Really it just kinda depends what the lore for the race says about them. I mean if their not THAT much like cats lore wise? Anyway, as for falling short distances, i do believe that a cat falling from like 8 floors up has more chance to suffer injury then one falling from like 25 floors. Mind.. i heard this somewhere, and it might be like "Oh ya well its true i saw it on TV!" but it made sense to me, that when a cat falls, it takes a short time for them to relax and loosen up before hitting the ground, this lets them fall great distances with reduced chance of harm, where as if they fall a short distance, they dont have the time to get into that state.


The only change id personally like to see for Khajiit is Night Eye being a toggle that you can turn on all the time any time for as much time as you want. The current set up is rubbish.


As for the running on all fours.. again that kinda comes to the lore of the race and how it has evolved. If their a more 'beastial' race like the Werewolf that is rather hunched and built for running on all fours then sure, let the Khajiit run on all fours. But if their more humanoid then they wont go any faster then you or i would on all fours, would they? One thing they would have i might speculate, is better balance due to their tail. They would also have better perception, due to ears and smell, or at least i would assume, again based upon the lore of the game they might not have animal like senses but more humanoid ones.


I mean you dont see anyone asking for the Argonians to move slower in the cold because their cold blooded!

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