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Remove word of power with console?


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Anyone have any idea how to remove words of power? For instance... I added RO "Balance" (13e22) and DAH "Push" (13e24) to my character and I can't continue the main quest when the Grey Beards try to teach me the words.


edit: I figured it out... I had to remove the entire Unrelenting Force shout (13e07) then I could learn the word.

Edited by XunAmarox
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  • 5 years later...

No but I'm Lookin' ... Found this so I am on the right track... Hate to think I have to go back to the point I used the console... Then I grabbed my handy LT Console command (in game) read up found the "way of the voice" quest code type in caqs the way of the voice id# only to find out the caqs in not isolated to the removal of a single quest caqs means COMPLETE ALL QUESTS... Lots of bells and whistles on that one believe me... So off I go... Soon as I find it I'll let you know... I did find out go did find out how to fix the weird eye and or dark face glitch... I know a ton of people have been looking for that so this is just little s--t and my Dad told me not to sweat the little S--t... Later


Hey look at it this way at least you got an answer to this posting

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