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Creating a workbench with invisible box?

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No, one that you activate with E, but instead of having a model it's just an invisible box.


I'm talking about a workbench like the weapons workbench by the way, not a workshop, maybe that wasn't super clear.

Edited by EmissaryOfWind
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Best Way I can think of would be to grab a nif from an existing object whose shape fits what you want, then deleting the visible parts of the mesh. If you want it craftable, you can copy the shape into your workbench mesh, position it the way you want (by adjusting the translation values of the collision's base nif), and then delete the visible parts of the collision's mesh and make the collision's NiNode a child of the main NiNode.


Easiest way I know to do it is with nifskope.


Edit: the activation volume is determined solely by collision, from what I could tell.

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I think there may be two possibilities for your goal.

1) I believe what you are looking for is DefaultActivator, under the Activators in the CK. Pull that in and place around your item, and put in a script on Activate.

2) The easier way to potentially do this is to find the item you want to be the weapons workbench, like I used an institute panel, copy the nif information/path from it, Create a copy of the weapons work bench, and then just paste the path of the nif into the copy and it should change to whatever you copied it from.

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