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Skyrim CTD . NO idea what causes it.


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So i am a noob began modding my skyrim only 15 days ago. Till @ days ago it automatically started causing CTDs.

First i thought it was due to the new mods i installed namely all the bijin mods. So i removed them . Problem still persists. LOOT shows no error either , is it a load order issue ? I also use Wrye Bash.

HElP needed.




P.S. should i try cleaning ITM s from the mods using TESVEdit ?


Edit : I did add all mods mid game.


Edit: CTD occurs no matter what i do . One time i was just standing in a corner of dragonsreach for about 10 min and then it crashed.

Edited by PrinceRedViper
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Could be alot of issues, If your new to modding i would recommend using the skyrim workshop as its the easiest to get mods in the game, as far as your CTD is concerned i would try to launch the game without mods to see if the problem continues if it does your game files are probably corrupt, if it doesnt its conflicting mods.

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Could be a lot of issues, If your new to modding i would recommend using the skyrim workshop as its the easiest to get mods in the game, as far as your CTD is concerned i would try to launch the game without mods to see if the problem continues if it does your game files are probably corrupt, if it doesnt its conflicting mods.

Well i use Mod Organizer , LOOT and Wrye Bash.

Just checked the game works perfectly fine without any mods. Could the problem be coming from the fact that i added the mods mid game?

My chracter also has items of total !2000 weight and also the console code psb was activated.

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It seems psb has a history of causing problems. Skitzochinchi even made a "fix" for it that may (or may not) help. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49126/?


I don't know anything for certain, but I googled psb skyrim and the entire first page was complaints that it led to game crashes. Adding mods mid-game shouldn't hurt anything, especially if it was vanilla initially.

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