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arrows won't fire


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I've been using a bow for hours, and it's been fine, but lately I'm getting a bug that occurs more and more often. I try to fire an arrow, the bow-pulling animation plays out, but no arrow shoots out. Only when I switch weapons does the arrow come out. If I try to shoot 4 arrows in a row, and then switch to another weapon (a dagger, mace, spell, whatever), then all 4 arrows come out simultanously.


I suspect that it's a hotkey-related bug, although I can't really figure out what triggers it and what prevents it. As I'm an archer character, it's making my game unplayable.


I first thought it was the hard coded key tweaks mod that was causing it, but I've since uninstalled the mod, but with no change. I've tried to re-bind the attack key a few times, but it doesn't seem to help.


I've got L-mouse controlling the left hand and R-mouse controlling the right hand, btw


Any ideas?

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anyone? :(



edit: So far, it SEEMS to work ok with an xbox controller. Never thought I'd be playing Skyrim with a gamepad, but f*** it - it's obviously designed for one, so why fight it? And as a nice bonus, I've realised that the analogue stick is better for sneaking too.

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