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Discreetly dark light armor


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[Mod Request]


I want a dark (black and grey an some red)male light armor. The Helmet should not have horns an not be open . It also should look realistic and not "fantasy Overkill" with a lot of ornamentation wich doenst helped if you fight. But a noble Discreetly looking is Perfect. Some dark metal parts for shoulder and breast would be great. The armor have to look like something between light- and heavyarmor. Also a magical hood with a scarf over the half of the face would looks fine. I dont want a cape. And because of the weather in skyrim the armor could cover the whole body.


Sorry for my bad english (Im German :( ) and i hope somebody want a Armor like this to.


thx for reading (and thinking about doing)

Edited by jac0star
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