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Need help for custom spell

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Hey guys , so basicaly I need help to make a custom spell. The spell in question would work with 2 parts (2 different spells working together)

The first one would be a fire and forget spell with the delivery being a target actor and be eaither an alteration or conjuration spell. It's

effect would be to first : store the actor's ID (or what ever is needed to use that actor later) and make him/her/it disapear. This spell would

have the condition to only work on dead actors/npc. The second spell would be a fire and forget with the delivery being a target location (like a normal

conjure spell) and would summon the actor/npc that was stored using the last spell and make that actor/npc friendly. If possible , I would also like if I

Could make it so the player can't use the second spell to summon the same actor/npc twice. So yeah , I need help for this spell on the "storing the target's

ID and making it disapear" part and also for the conjuration part , cause I don't know how I could conjure the stored actor/npc AND make it friendly.

Anyway , thanks for your help in advance <3

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There's a spell like this in Lost Grimoire. If yours isn't radically different you might not want to do this, but if it is, you could look and see how they went about it.

Alright , thank you a lot , I'm going to go look it up ! Thanks again ^^

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