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No Achievements - accidental cheating?


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I've installed Skyrim and was playing happily (after adding in the mods and editing the ini files etc. as with Oblivion and Fallout). Then I noticed that I wasn't receiving any achievements (I hadn't had a few in a while). Searching around this appears to happen if you type in a cheat (which I haven't) but I have accessed the console by pressing ` by accident. Is there anyway to let the game know that I'm not cheating or do I need to go back to my last successful save? [several days ago]


Tom W

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Yes, if you console command stuff to yourself like weapons and whatnot, it will disable acheivements. Certain console commands like reseting a quest or "showracemenu" will not disable achievments.


I am unaware if the presence of the mod manager disables achievments.


Replacers that use archive invalidation should not disable achievments.


Esp's, which we cant make yet, can disable achievments if they affect the quest achivement. (so ive been told)

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I've added some items, just stuff in my house I couldn't be arsed fast travelling back to my house for, and used tcl, and setscale for fun, and have been receiving achievements just fine.


I have initially missed some achievements (from way before I started accessing the console) due to Steam community not running properly when I opened the game. Shame.


But I can confidently state using the console does NOT stop you receiving all achievements.

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