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Realistic armor and penetration?


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could a mod be made to make armor of a certain type stop almost all damage of a certain type? for example light armor can stop low caliber rounds and knife hits 90 percent of the time doing only a smidge of damage, and heavy armor can stop high caliber rounds. ive seen this in stalker misery and i thought was really cool and immersive, could it be done for fallout?


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Yeah, I too would like to see something along these lines. Like Combat Armor being able to stop all pistol rounds and 5.56 rounds, while metal armor can only stop pistol rounds and lessen the effects of rifle rounds (outside of .50 and 308), and standard leather armor can only lessen the effects of melee damage. Of course then, the only thing that would be able to damage power armor would be .50 and up, until pieces of armor started falling off.


It wouldn't totally break the game either, you could still use explosives, fire, cold, electrical, and plasma damage to get around heavier armor types (some of which would still be resistant to plasma and laser damage, with metal armor being weaker to electrical damage without some kind of lining), and of course larger caliber rifle rounds could still get through the heavy stuff.

Edited by Mythos214
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