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Need a little help cleaning up an Existing mod - Dialog won't trigger

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Hey All,


Thanks for the assistance in the past, I have a few mods under my belt, but the one I am struggling with is my "Recruitable Wounded Dog Follower"


So after a week of frustration I gave up trying to recruit the actor by killing the existing scripting on the Random encounter and created a "clone" that triggers at the end of the quest.


With a little help from the community the mod's been working well, but I and others have noticed the dialog is a little sluggish and I had a hunch it's the "Say once" tree, to test I deleted it, and BAM everything flies.


To try and resolve this I created a new set of dialog in a separate quest, linked the Alias, but I can't get it to trigger or the Dialog tree to start.


I've done the following:

-Added a "Complete Quest" trigger (via the checkbox on Quest Stages) on the original quest.

-Added the dialog scripting to the next quest:

actor dog = Alias_Dog.GetActorRef()




The weird thing:

If I go to the Race I created and link the Dialog quest to the new one, she won't engage in Dialog at all, so clearly I must be doing something wrong.

Suggestions welcome

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Ok, so I killed all the scripting I had done (deleting from the FO4 folder, reloaded my own mod for nexus and recoded the dialog..

Now changing the parent dialog quest on the race controls the speech.


At a loss on how to get these separate quests linked for chained dialog!

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