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Possible to set different camera distance?


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I love it when the camera is really close in 3rd person when i draw the weapon, but once i sheath the weapon the camera is too close and i pull it back a little.

the problem is that once i draw the weapon to fight the camera is already too far away. the need to constantly move it closer andd farther is annoying.


is there a simple way to make it a little farther when the weapon is sheathed and closest when it's unsheathed by default without the need to constantly change camera distance?


and another question i assume isnt possible yet - a way to have the camera stay behind the shoulder even when the weapons are drawn? (the same camera angle as when the weapons are sheathed)

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  • 6 months later...
Mate I'm having the same problem! I love the camera close up when I'm using my bow but I can't get how to make it stay like that! I sheathe the weapon and when I unsheathe the camera angle goes too far back again! I'm using a 360 controller on my PC.
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