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Skyrim Loadout


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OK i have a really good idea for a mod that may be impossible...but i think it can be done. first of all i noticed that all the different weapon classes have their own weapon slot on your body..which makes this mod much more possible. i like switching between different weapons and spells and bow and shield....but i hate it when my shield and sword just disappear when i pull my bow out. so i was thinking...would it be possible to first of all make a mod that adds a hotkey to put your shield on your back..so you can use a spell or pull out a torch and your shield will hang on your back instead of disappear. also would it be possible to make a mod that makes all weapons that are set to your favorite menu appear in their appropriate slot on your body...even when not equipped. then you could wear a sword and a dagger and a mace...plus have a bow on your back...then when you want to pull a certain one out you open your favorites menu and select the one you want to use. the others remain in their sheath instead of disappearing. this would be a super good realism mod. there would be the issue of clipping if the customer places two longswords in their favorites menu....but we will just have to assume that people will be able to understand that and set their favorites menu accordingly. this mod isn't for everyone, but for the people who go for realism i think this mod would be huge.
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I don't know if this was a thinly veiled request or misleading with the term 'loadout', but really, keep requests in the requests forum please. Sorry to sound rude but I come here very often and I see a ton of these topics pushing back real modding discussions. You are right it wont be hard, all it will be is a simple script that checks (possibly) your secondary configuration in your favorites and keeps those shown if they are physical items and not spells.
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