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Zoom Bow


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OK, I know I'l feel stupid for asking this, but...


I have the Eagle Eye skill which is supposed to zoom the bow when "block button is pressed with bow drawn". Problem is, you can't block with a bow - onthe PC, Rt.Button is a Bash, and when I press Rt.Button with the bow drawn nothing happens.


I checked the Controls list and there's no way I'm seeing to re-assign "block" to a specific control - I believe the intention is that Rt.Button will do that so long as you don't have a 2H weapon equipped (like a bow or dual wielding weapons).


So... what am I missing? (((braces self to feel idiotic once the simple solution is presented...)))



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OK, I know I'l feel stupid for asking this, but...


I have the Eagle Eye skill which is supposed to zoom the bow when "block button is pressed with bow drawn". Problem is, you can't block with a bow - onthe PC, Rt.Button is a Bash, and when I press Rt.Button with the bow drawn nothing happens.


I checked the Controls list and there's no way I'm seeing to re-assign "block" to a specific control - I believe the intention is that Rt.Button will do that so long as you don't have a 2H weapon equipped (like a bow or dual wielding weapons).


So... what am I missing? (((braces self to feel idiotic once the simple solution is presented...)))




You are aware that you need to have the bowstring pulled back and ready to fire, no?

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You just hold one mouse button to pull the arrow back, then press the other mouse button to zoom



Tried that... waited till the strong was all the way pulled then held second mouse button... but nothing's happening. I don't fire, but I don't zoom either. (???). This is in 1st Person view. I don't have to enable a skill or something to "switch on" Eagle Eye or something, do I?



Edited by ImagoX
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  • 1 year later...

I had a similar problem and saw no working resolutions to it online, but thought I'd share what I found here.


My problem was that although I had been using the Eagle Eye perk for a long time, suddenly it stopped zooming in. So I tried the following in the console:


player.removeperk 00058F61
player.addperk 00058F61


Hopefully this will help you out :smile:

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  • 1 month later...

i have never had eagle eye work for me. i tried the removeperk-addperk fix - nothing. i also cant dual equip spells. something seems to be wrong with skyrim's mouse button input recognition, but f*** me if i can figure it out or find a fix.

ETA: if i change my left hand binding to a different key, zooming works. as soon as i change it back to M2, nothing again. anyone having the same issue?

ETA2: if i switch the left hand to M1 and right to M2, i can draw the bow fine with M2, but STILL cant zoom with M1. the bug exists for both mouse buttons, but not keyboard keys. im completely baffled!

Edited by jessefivey
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  • 1 year later...

Guys I just found something that may be your problem. Theres a glitch which makes you dual wield when using the bow. For example you may have the bow but have the Fast healing in your other hand wich doesnt allow you to bash, block, zoom etc. To fix dis just un-select it. lol I felt so incredibly stupid when i found out about this

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