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Where does one get the mods


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...And it continues. There's a search function for a reason, moron! And for the record, I was being an ass, because you deserve it! You don't come to a site devoted entirely to TES mods and ask where to download mods without expecting to be punished for your stupidity.
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Ok, let me re-word the question seeing as how I'm new to this site. Do any of you new where to get the nrhim: at fates edge mod on this site because I have been trying to find it. And as far as stuipd questions go why couldn't you just have answered it before and not be a bunch of JACKASSES!!!---Mot



I'm sorry - being a nubie to the site does not excuse being a nubie to common sense and the english language! Even you must admit that your initial post was pretty stupid. Come on, admit it - it is pretty much the worst first post you can imagine, right? I mean, we were supposed to read your mind that:


1) you were really looking for "nrhim: at fates edge mod", and

2) you had already searched for it.


When all you said was:

Where does one get the mods and what file type are they?---Mot


Like we were supposed to know which mod you were looking for by that post? Really?



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