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[Tutorial] Race Change (with 95% preserved stats)


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This is a long-winded and probably too-much-hassle version of how to change your race without running into the "vanished head mesh" issue you currently get with player.SetRace.


It's basically a guide for how to restore your stats after using ShowRaceMenu. I know all these commands and steps could be figured out from the ES Wiki but I'm writing this more for people like me, who wishes someone else wrote this ;)



I do not know if this will disable Steam achievements! I have not had a chance to test it, so don't flame me if it does :( (if anyone wants to test it with a save they have right before they got an achievement, that'd be cool).


  1. Make a new save in a separate slot
  2. Write down how many points you put into Magicka, Health, Stamina
  3. Write down the skill points you have in all your skills (even the ones you haven't even touched, if you want to be as seamless as possible)
  4. Change back to your original race via player.SetRace
  5. Enter ShowRaceMenu to get to the race menu
  6. Pick your new race and the looks as needed, name your character, hit OK
  7. Overwrite the duplicate save you created before doing this
  8. Quit to main menu
  9. Load the save you just overwrote
  10. Walk / sprint and stop again and you'll see your arms are no longer crossed
  11. If you want to avoid "cheating":
    • Find a perk you own and want to temporarily remove by doing help "perkname" 4 and write down the hex code it finds (calling it perkhex)
    • player.removeperk perkhex
    • Spend your "free point" back into that perk
    • player.setlevel X where X is the level you were before you started doing this

[*]Commands assume X is the number of points you increased skills by (1 time levelled = 10 points):

  • player.modav magicka X
  • player.modav health X
  • player.modav stamina X

[*]Commands assume X is the value you wrote down for your skill levels

  • player.setav skill alchemy X
  • player.setav skill alteration X
  • player.setav skill marksman X
  • player.setav skill block X
  • player.setav skill conjuration X
  • player.setav skill destruction X
  • player.setav skill enchanting X
  • player.setav skill heavyarmor X
  • player.setav skill illusion X
  • player.setav skill lightarmor X
  • player.setav skill lockpicking X
  • player.setav skill onehanded X
  • player.setav skill pickpocket X
  • player.setav skill restoration X
  • player.setav skill smithing X
  • player.setav skill sneak X
  • player.setav skill speechcraft X
  • player.setav skill twohanded X

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