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Getting attacked at Riverwood and Draonsreach!


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Don't know what I did, but after finding the note in the "Horn of Jurgen Windwalker" quest, as soon as I step foot in Riverwood, everyone says "Someone, do something" and then they all attack me. Even if I make it into the Inn, everyone there attacks and I can't speak with the person I need to to move on in the quest.


I've looked at my infamy (0.0) and all of the crime gold settings (all zero) and when I look under Stats, the only thing showing in the Crime area is 7 locks picked and 6 assaults (goats and deer from what I've read.) I've gone up two levels since leaving High Hrothgar, and I don't want to lose that progress if possible.


Does anyone have any idea which variable is causing this, or how I can get everyone to calm down? Thanks!

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