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minionichi - BANNED

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minionichi banned.


Unacceptable behavior, profane and abusive.


For the sake of posterity I'm quoting your conversation between a helpful, concerned citizen of the Nexus family of sites, and yourself:





I'm finding a number of conflicts with this mod as well, it appears to conflict with most hair/eye packs (including Ren's), and is causing ctd's when trying to select the female version. Problem persists with a clean data file (only SI, OBMM, OBSE and the final official patch installed).


Also, if this is just a smaller version of the cute elf, you cannot call it a child version since there would be nude skins. I couldn't get it to run enough to check that though.


Honestly, I think most people would find it significantly easier to just use the setscale command in-game than trying to get this mod operational.


Posted Today, 12:31 AM

@ concerned member


I don't give a f**k if pedophiles want to install a nude skin. I use the mod intending the race to be a child race, if you don't like it, go f**k yourself. and as far as the mod operating, it works fine for me, and that's all I care about. :))



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