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Schematic with Longbow of the Griffon appearance


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I know that the Griffon Longbow doesn't actually have a schematic in the game. Honestly, its stats are so-so, and I'm not particularly fond of the triple-shot feature, but hot damn is it ever a pretty bow.

I'm basically looking for a mod that would add a generic tier-3 or tier-4 (preferably tier-4, something along the lines of the Hakkon bow in terms of pewpew power) masterwork bow schematic that happens to have the Griffon Longbow model for appearance.


I know there's a mod that adds unique staff schematics which re-use existing game assets for appearance, so I'm fairly certain this is possible. Fairly.

All the internet cookies and my non-existent first-born child for the generous modder who could manage this.

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Welp, never mind, y'all. Apparently the mod already exists; I was just using a really old version of it which didn't include additional weapons.




Adds several bows (and other weapons), including a badass three-shot super-pew-pew Griffon Longbow, if anyone's interested.


Peace out.

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