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Sofia Marry trouble


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I have been having some trouble with the Sofia Follower mod in the game. I go to the Priest and tell him "I Do." and he then says "Really? If you'd reconsider... alright better you than me." After that... Nothing. The whole thing just stops, I looked up videos on youtube of the Sofia mod and see that she is supposed to have a quick little speech saying she does too and we both get essentially wedding rings. I know that the Skyrim marriages are a bit buggy and broken, I do have a ton of mods, mostly just weapons, armor and not a lot of graphics mods or whatever so I know what I am getting into for the most part. But I cannot figure out for the life of me what causes this. I tried the console command code jjsofiaweddingceremony like many have suggested to similar threads. I cannot go back to an older save before I started the mission, and I am pretty much stuck talking to a broken priest, can I get some help here or am I legitimately stuck?

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