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Bug in markhart after forsworn quest / MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS


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So basically what happens is this: After the quest that i mentioned, the guards keep trying to arrest me, but i did not do anything and I can't pay my bounty or go to jail, I'm forced to fight them and for some reason, the option "it wasn't me, I've been framed" is still there, meaning they still think I'm doing the quest. Is there anyway to stop this? I need to talk to the Jarl and because of this I can't.
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I have this as well :< It just won't allow me to proceed with going to jail or paying off the bounty, so basically I'm screwed because the civil war quest involves a Makrath NPC that's currently hostile due to the bounty bug. My entire playthrough has been broken by this quest bug. Has anyone else had this and managed to find a fix/way around it? There's no console commands for lowering bounty, so that won't work. Is there any mods that could do it?
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