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Simple appearance change request


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My favourite companion in Skyrim is called Brelyna Maryon, you can find her in Winterhold's Mage College. She has a very pretty and young voice but my problem with her is that she looks like an old hag. I'm wondering if a kind soul would be able to put together a mod that alters her appearance, making her look younger and perhaps change her hairstyle without hood.


Thanks in advance.

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Have you tried using one of the various mods that adjusts all faces to less-wrinkled, younger-looking versions, such as: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=136 ? Unless she has one of the old-woman complexion options, that should accomplish what you are looking for with regards to her age.


Adjusting individual NPC faces, hairstyles, body types, etc, is impossible for now. It will almost certainly be easy to do once Creation Kit is released. However, if her hairstyle is sufficiently important to you, you could extract the hairstyle models from the models.bsa and rename and relocate the desired hairstyle to the name and location of her current hairstyle. This will replace every instance of that particular hairstyle in the game with the replacement style, so only do this if you are willing to make that big of a change for the sake of one NPC.


For step by step instructions on how to do the above, look to my post here:


Edited by Aluminumfoil
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