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[Help] crash in step scary


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No, the patch is to use more than 4GB of RAM, not "other types". You'll never see more than 2GB being used, and if you have, I'd like to see a screencap. I kept getting crashes even when using it, it seems like any apparent elimination of the crashes is simply down to luck. A program won't crash when it reaches its RAM limit, it simply empties older addresses and writes there, that's why not having enough RAM can slow it down. In fact, using more RAM than is expected (not that this method allows that) will actually lead to crashes since it may write to RAM that Windows doesn't expect it to write to, RAM being used by another process. The point of it all is, all this does is let 32-bit exes use PAE, but if the game coding itself isn't ever going to write to more than 2GB of RAM, it doesn't matter what the exe itself is now free to do. I'd honestly like to be proven wrong on this, but since I've heard this from various sources, both people online and on programming and tech websites, I've been checking Skyrim and it's never using more than 2GB.


By the way, on my PC right now Skyrim is using 800MB of memory and I've been playing for hours and hours.


Your obviously not a programmer, a program WILL crash when it reaches memory limit if its not set up correctly.


and this patch increase the capacity of the ADDRESSING SPACE it does not FORCE it to use more RAM.


App can handle >2GB address space.


Learn a little about memory addressing before you post on things you have no idea about.




Not to mention if the game requires 2 gigs of memory addressing and you have a 1.5 gig ddr3 card it will only show 500 megs in ram... because that's all it needs. however if he has a 500 mg card it will show 1.5 gigs in ram OR if he doesn't have 1.5 available it will use VIRTUAL memory to make up for that. Why oh WHY are people so dense? this was not a debate just a simple help post and you have to come into someone else's topic and prove your not very bright. and then go off topic.


To edit my post EVEN further, it also depends on what visual settings he has enabled, the size of the textures used in the game, The EXE is not THE ONLY THING that gets places in memory.


If you don't like the answer MOVE ON!!!

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