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Skyrim Civilization and Struggles


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I like this idea.

I wish more people from towns traveled to different places. The roads could use a few more caravan parties making the possibly perilous journey to sell their wares in another town, accompanied by mercenaries just in case any threats come along. Would allow for some players to play as highwaymen too. The increased NPC population would also mean less of a hit in towns when an evil player char is picking them all off. Or the wandering NPCs could be randomly generated so they don't remove numbers from the standard population of towns.


If new randomly generated NPCs were given voices, it would be awesome to gather a VO community through nexus to try out their acting skills per request of the modder and read script so that newly created NPCs aren't silent. :)


Just a couple ideas I thought could fit under your Civilization section. More civilization = more life and immersion for me.

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Good idea, just can't do a whole lot without the construction kit (hopefully it'll come out soon). The only thing that I can see being done are textures, replacers, enhancements, savegames, and scripting.
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I'm not one for making the holds as populated as freaking Detroit. The fact that each character would have to be handmade, and preferably unique, and you'd have to have over 100 of them.


However, I do want more NPCs around that wander on the roads. Like trade caravans that go to different cities in Fallout 3. Maybe some wagons that go around transporting prisoners or passengers.

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