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Daedric Mods


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In Morrowind, I absolutely loved the daedric armor and weapons. The rarity of the items added immensely to their acquisition. Oblivion ruined this for me. Not only did everyone and their mother have daedric after a certain level, but it was incredibly ugly, in my opinion. The omission of the katana and dia-katana also upset me, which is why I added McMuffin's amazing Daedric Lord Armor mod to my game.

Now, I actually very much like the models for the armor and dagger in Skyrim, but I'd love for the katana and dia-katana of Morrowind to be recreated, with the ability to forge them as well. Whose with me?

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IN MY OPINION, katanas are overrated. The big, badass swords will always be better.


However, I do miss them. They were amazing weapons in terms of speed and power, so if you didn't like the slow speed of the superior greatsword, you could choose the faster, but slightly weaker katana. The oblivion recreation of the katana was also a great work, but it was a bit imbalanced. Now, if it IS made, it should be faster than a regular two handed sword. After all, katanas are very light weapons due to the lack of their shape. Only problem is that it seems like all two handed swords swing the same speed. Dunno if it can be changed, but it should.

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