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How are you taming skyrim?


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Well, Ive spent a few hours in skyrim (it took up all my day yesterday I neither got to sleep nor got any drawing done, skyrim is a blackhole!!) Anyways I was wondering how is everyone building their character and world? Originally I was going pure summoner, but slowly started tossing points Illusion and Restoration. I am thinking about mastering out the atronach summoning and necromancer path in conjuration, than eoiher going don the healing path or mana regen path, or jump straight to the illusion school and decide what to do there.


The hardest thing i had to deal with at first was dragons even with lydia, but than i married my wife Brelyna Maryon and brought her everywhere with me using healing spells to keep her safe, and dual casted frost atronach; the dragons actually started dropping like flies. Oh yea my characters also breton Pcoughbecausewearethebestraiseandallcough* Only thing that seems to give me trouble (as of now) is the stupid mechanical creations in the dwarven areas. The bastard refuse to become my slaves and obey my command!!!!! Maybe its because I'm still early in the game, but I'm alittle disappointed about the amount of summons I've found so far in game....

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