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MLP debate


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All I am suggesting is certain behavior is going to be looked at strangely by most. There is no social norm set in stone. It all depends on your peers/family/friends/neighbors. If people are more comfortable expressing themselves on the internet than they are in real life, then there certainly is a problem.

I believe that on the internet the virtue of not being face to face with actual people emboldens them to express views and predilections that would they otherwise might think twice about expressing to someone they might need to have an ongoing social interaction with. There might be no social norm set in stone but in the real world there are social conventions that must be dealt with, whether fair or unfair they exist. I might truly believe that creatures from Andromeda walk among us and on the internet I could shout it out, but if I did the same while having cocktails with my neighbors they would be right in thinking I'm a tad off the wall.


I agree with that. Its not socially acceptable to be a racist, but many still hold those beliefs at heart, but just don't spout them out or let everyone know.


How can you compare liking My Little Pony to thinking that lizard people are real or holding racist beliefs? MLP fans aren't horrible people or out of touch with reality. Plus, other people liking non-normative things does not justify racism or any other kind of bigotry, nor does it mean we have to listen to the conspiracy theorists of the world.

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How can you compare liking My Little Pony to thinking that lizard people are real or holding racist beliefs? MLP fans aren't horrible people or out of touch with reality. Plus, other people liking non-normative things does not justify racism or any other kind of bigotry, nor does it mean we have to listen to the conspiracy theorists of the world.


I'm not justifying anything, or comparing anything. Only suggesting that such a fascination might reflect negatively on you in the real world.

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How can you compare liking My Little Pony to thinking that lizard people are real or holding racist beliefs? MLP fans aren't horrible people or out of touch with reality. Plus, other people liking non-normative things does not justify racism or any other kind of bigotry, nor does it mean we have to listen to the conspiracy theorists of the world.


I'm not justifying anything, or comparing anything. Only suggesting that such a fascination might reflect negatively on you in the real world.


So what? People don't care. Just because I and many other guys like to watch a little girls TV show doesn't mean anything about our maturity or have a hidden obsession with kids. The fact that some have a problem is something which they need to deal with; it's not my problem. Besides this show appeals to adults and doesn't patronises girls, which is a good thing.

Edited by brokenergy
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@OP :


Well, let me tell you my story, it might make sense then.


Well it all began nearly 8 months ago for me, when certain friends on Steam and the place where it all started(tsk, tsk)joined the so called "movement". As all pround semi-arrogant male beings in the age of 17 I was somehow offended by this gesture and mocked it, it was to a high degree something that bothered me to the point that I wanted to rid myself of any form of connection with those former friends, simply could not understand the nature of loving something such as that.


And then, not five months ago, after seeing it grow I finally decided to take a look, and that is almost every Bronies story. The show reminded me of the mystery I felt when I watched "Courage the Cowardly Dog" the silliness I felt when I watched SpongeBob as a child, feeligns I had when Futurama was on... And yet, in a whole different cover and way. I remembered watching the Powerpuff Girls as a kid aswell, and somehow the same mix feelings associated with it*I must add that the latter was also created by none other than Lauren Faust).


So, for me the show proved to be quite different than what I imagined, it broke some stereotypes and certainly brought back memories.


And then the community, oh the community. All the great artists at Equestria Daily, all the fan work, all the art... It's...



it is of course different for many other of my fellow Bronies and Pegasisters, that's my share of it. I enjoy the show, and it is one of the things I look up to when I'm awaiting weekends.


But in the end... http://arch.413chan.net/fluttershy-deal-with-it-(n1302578884343).png

Edited by Corlan
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How can you compare liking My Little Pony to thinking that lizard people are real or holding racist beliefs? MLP fans aren't horrible people or out of touch with reality. Plus, other people liking non-normative things does not justify racism or any other kind of bigotry, nor does it mean we have to listen to the conspiracy theorists of the world.


I'm not justifying anything, or comparing anything. Only suggesting that such a fascination might reflect negatively on you in the real world.


So what? People don't care. Just because I and many other guys like to watch a little girls TV show doesn't mean anything about our maturity or have a hidden obsession with kids. The fact that some have a problem is something which they need to deal with; it's not my problem. Besides this show appeals to adults and doesn't patronises girls, which is a good thing.


Well enjoy your little girls TV show then. Someone bought up a topic asking a question and I gave my 2 cents, and I'm not asking you to agree with me.

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Well enjoy your little girls TV show then. Someone bought up a topic asking a question and I gave my 2 cents, and I'm not asking you to agree with me.


Yeah, but this is a Debates forum, meaning we can disagree with your opinion and comment on it :P. Anyway, back to the topic.


I believe that on the internet the virtue of not being face to face with actual people emboldens them to express views and predilections that would they otherwise might think twice about expressing to someone they might need to have an ongoing social interaction with.


Most probably will think twice before expressing their views of MLP in real life, however, I'm not one of them. I always express my opinion to anyone, so people that know me will either get used to it, or stop interacting with me, but most tolerate my behaviour.


Just because I and many other guys like to watch a little girls TV show doesn't mean anything about our maturity or have a hidden obsession with kids. The fact that some have a problem is something which they need to deal with; it's not my problem. Besides this show appeals to adults and doesn't patronises girls, which is a good thing.


I agree with this completely. By the way, no one mentioned you have a "hidden obsession with kids", the fact that only YOU mentioned it is actually scary :ohdear:................. Just kidding :tongue:.


The show reminded me of the mystery I felt when I watched "Courage the Cowardly Dog" the silliness I felt when I watched SpongeBob as a child, feeligns I had when Futurama was on... And yet, in a whole different cover and way. I remembered watching the Powerpuff Girls as a kid aswell, and somehow the same mix feelings associated with it


Same here, but since I come from the eastern europe the cartoons we had are a bit different. I watched Mr. Bogus, Smurfs, Tom and Jerry, Professor Balthazar and that's about it. But no one insults me for watching Smurfs, no, only because of ponies.

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How can you compare liking My Little Pony to thinking that lizard people are real or holding racist beliefs? MLP fans aren't horrible people or out of touch with reality. Plus, other people liking non-normative things does not justify racism or any other kind of bigotry, nor does it mean we have to listen to the conspiracy theorists of the world.


I'm not justifying anything, or comparing anything. Only suggesting that such a fascination might reflect negatively on you in the real world.


Well, liking MLP shouldn't reflect negatively. An adult who likes cartoons might be nostalgic, eccentric, or maybe a child at heart--you can't say for sure. However, an adult who likes cartoons should not automatically be judged as creepy or otherwise bad--it's more likely than not that they just like cartoons, and are actually entirely harmless to children. Liking cartoons is not a sign of paedophilia. It is not a sign of being a perpetual adolescent, either.

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