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The thought just crossed my mind that if they had "adult" names like "Slap my hiney" or "kiss my noodle" etc., the amount of additional fans they would receive would be astronomical .... EVEN IF THEY KEPT THE SAME STORYLINES AND CHARACTERS AND CUTENESS .... I'd be a fan as well and so would most other people ... question is, why is that ... no really, think about it ? Edited by Nintii
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The thought just crossed my mind that if they had "adult" names like "Slap my hiney" or "kiss my noodle" etc., the amount of additional fans they would receive would be astronomical .... EVEN IF THEY KEPT THE SAME STORYLINES AND CHARACTERS AND CUTENESS .... I'd be a fan as well and so would most other people ... question is, why is that ?


Because you have irreversable brain damage.


I'm kidding, I don't know why, but it's true.

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How can you compare liking My Little Pony to thinking that lizard people are real or holding racist beliefs? MLP fans aren't horrible people or out of touch with reality. Plus, other people liking non-normative things does not justify racism or any other kind of bigotry, nor does it mean we have to listen to the conspiracy theorists of the world.


I'm not justifying anything, or comparing anything. Only suggesting that such a fascination might reflect negatively on you in the real world.


Well, liking MLP shouldn't reflect negatively. An adult who likes cartoons might be nostalgic, eccentric, or maybe a child at heart--you can't say for sure. However, an adult who likes cartoons should not automatically be judged as creepy or otherwise bad--it's more likely than not that they just like cartoons, and are actually entirely harmless to children. Liking cartoons is not a sign of paedophilia. It is not a sign of being a perpetual adolescent, either.


I like some cartoons. I still watch South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons. And I never brought up the pedophilia word in this discussion. Bringing up a funny South Park episode is something you can talk to the guys at work about, and chances are some of them saw it too. MLP? Not so much.

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I'd say that South Park is much less pleasant, and far more puerile in humour, than a cartoon that's about cutesy talking horses. Would you like it if people called you creepy or childish for liking South Park? I'm guessing not. Judging by the reactions of fanboys and fangirls of various "adult" cartoons' reactions to anybody even suggesting that the things they're watching are chock full of bigotry, these fans have no room to diss the bronies and pegasisters of the world.


As for the paedophilia thing, it had to be brought up with the "guys who like little girls' cartoons are CREEPY AND VILLAINOUS" rubbish going on.

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I'd say that South Park is much less pleasant, and far more puerile in humour, than a cartoon that's about cutesy talking horses. Would you like it if people called you creepy or childish for liking South Park? I'm guessing not. Judging by the reactions of fanboys and fangirls of various "adult" cartoons' reactions to anybody even suggesting that the things they're watching are chock full of bigotry, these fans have no room to diss the bronies and pegasisters of the world.


As for the paedophilia thing, it had to be brought up with the "guys who like little girls' cartoons are CREEPY AND VILLAINOUS" rubbish going on.


Actually I couldn't care less about what people think of me liking South Park, and I am not a sensitive enough person who really cares what others think of me. Nor am I afraid to discuss South Park in real life or on the internet. What I like about South Park is they aren't politically correct, and they make fun of everybody. Of course people who are overly sensitive won't enjoy the humor and might even find it offensive. What one person might see as offensive, I might think is funny.


Fanboyism is part of the problem, its people getting butthurt over someone else being critical of something they like, which I never fully understood, seeing as how I am an emotionally secure person who is not sensitive to criticism.


People who cannot learn to take criticism/judgement from others with a grain of salt wont get anywhere in the real world.

Edited by Beriallord
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^That's a problem.


While I tend to be more on the side of not caring what others think, there's actually a balance that a life lived well best achieves.


And I suspect that problem is at the heart of this (and many other) issues. There's no temperance to be found any more. I don't admire extremism. It's easy to be extreme. It's much more difficult to be able to achieve harmony.





@Aurelius :ohdear:

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@Beriallord, where is this "real world" you mentioned in your previous post. Just wondering.... I'd love to visit if I get a free moment...:psyduck: :dry:


Real life, not internet people and associations, people and places where you interact and deal with people on a face to face basis, friends and family, coworkers, etc.

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@Beriallord, where is this "real world" you mentioned in your previous post. Just wondering.... I'd love to visit if I get a free moment...:psyduck: :dry:

Oh Granny, it's everywhere.... populated by actual flesh and blood people that all have real consequences when interacted with unlike the internet. It's a place where in theory your real persona has to manifest itself and you reap the consequences of how you are perceived by others.

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