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TARDIS mod, anyone?


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In Oblivion someone made a TARDIS mod (you know, the phone box time machine from Doctor Who). It was a little lacking in my opinion, but still a pretty useful and fun mod. Does anyone else think it would be awesome to have a TARDIS or TARDIS-like house mod? Basically the mod would consist of some sort of small, enclosed shack or box with a door on it (likeness to the real TARDIS optional), small enough to possibly fit indoors. Once inside you discover that, through magic or other means, the interior is far bigger than the exterior! Total size is debatable, somewhere between a large mansion and a small city. The next amazing discovery is that the box can move, disappearing one place only to reappear elsewhere! Of course these discoveries, as well as finding the box to begin with, could all be woven into quests as intricate as anyone pleases. And, of course, what perfect player home would be complete without all the crafting tools, forges and benches you could ever need? Maybe even a replicator-like device to conjure what ever your heart desires, if you really want to cheat... Now that could be a quest within itself, unlocking various levels of the replicator's capabilities.


I figure the teleport system of the box could be handled via conversation menus; the Oblivion TARDIS used buttons, one per destination, convo menus just seem so much cleaner and simpler to me. As for the design of the place, who knows! The important thing is that the "control" room look suitably impressive and mysterious. I think it would be cool to make it look as much like one of the Dr Who versions as possible with the materials available in Skyrim, with a big central console to pick your destination, lots of random tools, books and junk lying around, that sort of thing. A swimming pool is nearly mandatory, preferably with that lovely steaming hot water we have in Skyrim, maybe a waterfall feeding it, possibly some indoor greenery scattered here and there... Of course, it couldn't really be a TARDIS without the wardrobe, either, probably complete with lots of mannequins, wardrobes, cupboards and shelves full of, theoretically, all of the clothes in Tamriel, or at least the non-unique clothing. As for accomodations, there should probably be a few to a few dozen elaborate rooms for guests aside from the kingly master's room... A modified Dwarven theme might work really well for the place so long as it was better illuminated than the ruins.


As for travel locations, the box should be able to go to all the major cities, plus a few other important landmarks, and it'd be cool if it was sort of randomly placed, inside inns or mead halls, under bridges, on boats, in houses, that kind of thing... It'd be even better if it materialized in one of a few random spots within each of the major major cities or towns, so you're never far from where you intended to go but at the same time never know exactly where it'll end up. Not sure if that's possible with the tools available but it's something to think about.


What do you guys think? Anyone interested?










Disclaimer: I am not a modder, merely putting ideas out to stir up the community.

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I am a huge Dr. Who fan. My car is licensed TARDIS1 and has the Police Call sign on a sticker on the back hatch, its a Blue Scion Xb so its a Blue box that is bigger on the inside, my email was [email protected] until recently.



All that said, I would not be interested in downloading, or working on a Dr. Who mod for Skyrim. To me it would be a much more Fallout world Mod. Alternate reality Earth and whatnot. So I would not say no love, just less love than it might receive in a different setting.






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Alright, I suppose that's fair. Actually I suggested it on the Fallout forums as well and nobody responded to that either. Can't remember if it was for FO3 or NV...


Still, a moving house would be pretty awesome. Somebody made a floating castle-type thing for Morrowind. Basically it was a big imposing building in the sky with a spine that stretched down to a door that would be sitting someplace in the open. Like the TARDIS, the house could teleport to most of the major cities in the game.


So really I just think it'd be neat if somebody made a mod with some of the elements of a TARDIS, not necessarily a Dr Who mod. Not rooted in one place because it can teleport, all the amenities one could want inside, bigger on the inside so it can be cleverly placed in cities. And in all honesty the whole thing would fit rather nicely into the lore; it could've been a mage's experiment or a collaboration between mages and dwarves or something, lots of explanations.

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Alright, I suppose that's fair. Actually I suggested it on the Fallout forums as well and nobody responded to that either. Can't remember if it was for FO3 or NV...


Still, a moving house would be pretty awesome. Somebody made a floating castle-type thing for Morrowind. Basically it was a big imposing building in the sky with a spine that stretched down to a door that would be sitting someplace in the open. Like the TARDIS, the house could teleport to most of the major cities in the game.


So really I just think it'd be neat if somebody made a mod with some of the elements of a TARDIS, not necessarily a Dr Who mod. Not rooted in one place because it can teleport, all the amenities one could want inside, bigger on the inside so it can be cleverly placed in cities. And in all honesty the whole thing would fit rather nicely into the lore; it could've been a mage's experiment or a collaboration between mages and dwarves or something, lots of explanations.



Now this latter idea, taking things from the TARDIS and incorporating them into a house made for Skyrim. Hell yes, that's beast! A floating Dragon Barrow complete with friendly Dragon you can ride out into Skyrim would be so bloody amazing! A flying citadel like the one in Morrowwind would be amazing as well.





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My spin on this concept would be some sort of an airship mod. I'm not a modder, but seems doable enough to me. Just imagine a Nordic ship held aloft by magic or newly discovered dwarven tech that can travel quickly to any city (same functionality as the carraiges), or be manually piloted around Skyrim. It would serve the same purpose as the TARDIS and would be a bit more lore friendly, (not that a magical moving house is too strange for skyrim or anything).


If this mod were to be introduced, it would be cool to combine it with the remove fast travel mod and only make manual ship piloting possible late game (maybe you'd have to buy it after a questline for a lot of gold). This would make it so that foot travel isn't totally lost and in fact enforced besides cities until you obtain the ship.


Other ideas for it that are crafting tools on board (of course), hireable crew members that sell/buy, upgrading the ship's speed through quests or buying parts (or both, quest to unlock then gold to buy), other ships that are either allies or enemies that may board you, and dragon attacks.


This is part of my idea of a conversion mod to bring moderate technology advances to Skyrim, not so much as to be crazy but a believable advance for 200+ years. Instead of a slight decrease in technology (the mysterious, complicated art of spear-making and wielding was somehow lost ~250 years previously?) It'd be sweet to see some advances that we're perhaps learned from excavations of dwarven ruins, such as crossbows or fist weapons, the airships this post is about, some items that automate tasks that are being achieved right now either manually or by magic.


Sorry I'm getting a bit off course here, your TARDIS post had just given me an idea to add to the ones I had. I don't want Fallout: Skyrim here, just seems to me that the people should have learned something from these lost advanced civilizations after their discovery and exploration. I'm no modder but I'd love to do what I can to make something like this happen.

Edited by pickel5857
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well an airship could be pretty cool, too, although in terms of new resources needed you would need to make more for such a mod. All the Dwemer ruins are mostly stone with metal work and ducting, etc added on top. For an airship you would probably need metal walls, floors, etc to be made since a wooden boat fused with Dwemer tech would look a bit silly. Of course, that could also be the point... A flying boat made from cannibalized Dwemer tech, maybe some sort of harness with thrusters or some sort of magic anti-gravity devices or something; somehow I think the Dwemer would be beyond simple zeppelins if they were making their own airship, but if it was cannibalized then maybe it could be as simple as a Dwemer steam sytem that keeps a balloon inflated...


Another theory I have about the TARDIS-type mod is that it could add a non-canon piece to the puzzle of the Dwemer's disappearance: Over the course of a decade or two they all went off to other planets, realms or planes of Oblivion (as suggested in one of the books in Skyrim) in such vessels, maybe the one you find is a prototype and thus smaller (on the inside) than the full-sized arks that would have moved the population en masse.

Edited by r4y30n
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