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Question about leveling/perks and damage


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Hey folks! First off, I'm hooked on Skyrim, but my laptop can't handle it properly so I'm on Xbox until some money comes my way, therefore, no mods for me :/


Anyways, my question's pretty simple, does leveling an offensive skill such as archery or one handed allow you to cause more damage, or do you need to "purchase" the perks? Basically, if I level say my one-handed skill to 100, but do not get the perks, will I still cause more damage than I did when I was at level 1 in that skill?


Can't get a clear answer from anything I've read, and I just thought about this so haven't tracked it much in-game.


I ask, by the way, because I play a pretty broad-ranging character, switching from sneak attacks with my bow, to one-handed swords and destruction/restoration spells up close. That and I used a good couple of perk slots for smithing so I'm worried about missing out on some offensive perks



Thanks in advance!


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