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Frequent Lag Spikes after 30 minutes of play


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Hey, I wanted to see if anyone is having similar issues or has a fix for the problem I am having.


Heres what happens:


1) I fire up Skyrim, click "auto-detect" for the graphic settings and it suggests high. (I recently have been running it on medium/low and am getting the same issue)


2) I play the game for about 30-45 minutes until randomly, I get a huge lag spike that lasts for about 1-2 minutes until the game reverts back to running perfectly normally. These lag spikes (frame rate drop, mouse laggy, screen laggy) continue to occur more and more frequently as I keep playing the game.


IMPORTANT NOTE: During the lag spikes, if I hit esc and go into the menu that follows, my mouse and the menu are not laggy at all. However, if I go back to the game, it continues to lag until it... gets over it? (I often just hit escape and save while I wait for the game to stop being laggy). All of the other in-game menus are laggy i.e my inventory and tab. I also feel as though staying in my esc menu reduces lag spike time (not confirmed).


3) These lag spikes continue to occur until I rage quit and actually go outside or something.


Anyways, that is basically what happens. Here are my systems specs:\


Model: Asus g72gx laptop

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU P8700 @ 2.53GHz (2 CPUs)

Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 260M

Memory: 6144MB RAM (I don't know if this is right, I just got this off my system specs, DDX Diagnostics)




Please post any answers/related issues you may have for this.



Thank you! :3

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heat....check your temps. may not be it but DL some temp monitoring....throttlestop is good...not for messing with anything but you can keep it in the background while playing and it will log (you have select the option on the GUI) you temps every second. Then when you lag, exit game and see what the temps were when it did it.


Cupid hardware monitor will show your GPU temps, no log though but it wil lshow the high low and current temps.

Edited by fleeingfish
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Hey, Thanks for the reply, it seems that you may be on to something. I tried to watch and see what was going on with the temp and it looked like every time the Temp got to around 65-70 C Skyrim would begin to have a lag spike until it dropped down to 59, which it would do rather quickly, in a minute or so.


Based on evidence, it looks like I'll be purchasing some form of cooling for my laptop. Any recommendations? Fan vs Cooling Pad etc.

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Hey, Thanks for the reply, it seems that you may be on to something. I tried to watch and see what was going on with the temp and it looked like every time the Temp got to around 65-70 C Skyrim would begin to have a lag spike until it dropped down to 59, which it would do rather quickly, in a minute or so.


Based on evidence, it looks like I'll be purchasing some form of cooling for my laptop. Any recommendations? Fan vs Cooling Pad etc.



Make sure you have ventilation underneath your computer, a fan helps a lot. If you tech savy work with that program throttlestop. Could be your computer is throttling down with out any real need too.


Last but no least do a search with your computer model number and heat issues via google and see what others have tried.

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