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RTS mod


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Im not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but i think it would be cool if there was a mod like real time settler where you could make your own village with guards, villagers, blacksmith, ect. Maybe have random attacks from bandits and very, very randomly be attacked by dragons. Have it where you must have hunters gather food or somthing like that. Anyways i think it would be a good idea to make some money on the side, or for the rpg aspects. Any thoughts?
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I like that Idea but where would you place your settlement? Almost need some added flat open spaces outside the borders or something.

Skyrim seems very much so full of hills and ridges and trees any decent spot is already taken.

I like the idea though if I could I'd take that up. Hopefully someone at least tries if the construction kit ever comes out.


Would be a nice pace from the hordes of nude body variants and clothing that is sure to be coming. I always wondered about it for Oblivion. Sort of a make your own Castle type deal by taking blue prints off other buildings.

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exactly. Have an option to build your own hall if you have enough followers, a shrine to your village's god. Maybe even make the shrine to a daedric prince? XD. But your right about the hills. Not sure about that, but maybe theres a way around it. I was thinking set up a village around an abandond tower. But either way it would be a good mod if anyone was willing to make it
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I'm sure someone can disable borders and add flat land somewhere around the game world.

If anything the mod gets created and others decide to make places to build up a village. Hopefully someone gives this a shot.

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I'm planning a similar mod, but I decided to go a different direction. Instead of allowing the player to build any building, anywhere, at no cost, I'm going to instead have a fixed settlement with an immersive questline that will allow you to build your own city.


EDIT: many ideas in this thread are already in my plans :thumbsup:

Edited by PaladinRider
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I like that Idea but where would you place your settlement? Almost need some added flat open spaces outside the borders or something.


The reach: between Dushnikh Yal and Gloomreach

Haafingar: between Volskygge and Pinemoon cave

Hjaalmarch: between Meeko's shack and Chillwind depths

The Pale: between Blizzard rest, Loreius farm and Korvanjund

Winterhold hold: On the ice shelves between Ysgramor's tomb and Septimus signus's outpost

Whiterun Hold: between Rorikstead and Serpent's bluff redoubt

The rift: East of Treva's watch and north of Heartwood mill


the fun of country towns is that they build with the land rather than against it. so rugged mountains(with a little clearing) would look great

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^ I stand very much so corrected.

Only places I could think of were too close to other cities / towns. I like the feelings of sorta being on your own little territory.

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There's a fair amount of flat land in the northern reaches of skyrim. Especially when you push out towards the edges of the continent. Not ideal for a settlement, but they're flat. And I do very much hope for a decent RTS-esque mod. Or even a mod like wasteland.
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Oh a GOOD idea to work with RTS!


Instead of 'attracting' beggars into your cause, since combat system has a low hp animation for 'enemies'...


Make it possible to 'dominate' and 'recruit' them!


Like when you recruit NPCs you essentially break their AI into your mod, so essentially you 'clone' the npc into a new character that 'borrows' stats and levels and items into that new character.


You get to name them too maybe?


I mean you can recruit almost any 'killable' NPCs that aren't quest related, and are encountered in the wilderness, by whittling their HP down to 10% and 'talking' to them when they are down. This mean you gotta adjust the global AI for them so when they 'yield' to you while low on hp, they won't move for a while and won't flee until their hp exceeds 10%. They can re-aggro you like usual if you don't finish them off or recruit them, and maybe tweak your companions so they don't finish them off until they 'just about' recover from that status.


Speech will take part in 'persuading' them or 'intimidating' them to join your cause. Else you can use gold to bribe them.


Difficulty in recruiting them increases as their level increases, and the benefit of recruiting higher leveled npcs is that they have way better stats and last longer in battle and probably more effective in some roles (like hunting and gathering).


Also you can recruit without combat, maybe for hirelings or companions you can 'transfer' into your cause as 'generals' or a position to 'manage' your recruits. These characters can be vital for training and management.


Also, you can take part in the civil war with your own band of soldiers, so you can arm them all up to be imperials or stormcloaks and take advantage of the civil war quest line to 'send troops' to participate in battle.


When your minions heads into battle, they will be like companions and follow you or a certain 'order' or task.

When they get low on hp, they will act like your companions and won't be targetted by any other NPCs or enemies and go down, unless AoE or splash damage happen to hit and kill them off. Of course, that's ONLY if their hp drops below 10% and they are still alive... If they are at 11% and gets hit with a deadly blow they will die immediately.


As for settlement topography:


You can create settlements like bandit camps, or forts, using materials to create wooden or stone walls, and then lay out the fundamentals inside.


Fallout managed to make full use of it's prop to make the topography more wild.


But if you want flat platforms to use, maybe it's a good idea to create 'cliff blocks' that are like large flat pieces of rock that you can build on mountains so you can place forts on them... They would have to be shaped in a smart manner so players can make full use of them to design their fort.


It would be awesome if we get interiors too... Like we can have a # of pre-made interior types and all we do is place 'doors' or structures on the real world.


Imagine the mod comes with 20 types of interior, 10 stone fort interior 'houses' and 'forts' and 10 cavern interior types.


While players can't customize the interior, at least they can decide where to place the entrances to them.

Edited by dra6o0n
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