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Hi all,


I think with the news of the Tamriel heightmap found within Skyrim, I would like to propose a call to all modders and anyone else interested to begin the creation of this most intriguing province.


There is already the Hammerfell project for Oblivion here at: http://hammerfell.daryam.com/. What I would like to propose is a parallel of this mod for Skyrim. There is already a lot of fantastic concept art developed there that details very richly the style and feel of the province. I'm not sure about the legalities of using the concepts, so I will investigate this further, however for those who are attracted to Hammerfell or to the concepts that I have linked, announce yourselves!

I have been waiting to see this province done the justice it deserves, so I thought why not do it ourselves!


Are there any?:



Texture artists

CS Experts





if so, would you be willing to take part in such a project?

Edited by Yali
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