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Shield Revamp


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Right. So, the shield system in skyrim is pretty much effectually terrible. I would like to request that some genius modmaker revamp the current shield system into something incorporating these points, or some semblance of them.


1. Shields should be able to fully block the damage of a one-handed strike, be it via mace/sword/dagger. Power attacks should still inflict damage and break blocks, but depend on whether or not the opponents weapon skill beats the player's block skill.


2. Two handed weapons should still inflict damage while the player has his shield up. These are heavier weapons and include the possibility of heavy bruising on the wearer's shield arm if the opponent lands a solid hit. Power attacks as they do now - no skill check in place.


3. There should not be a perk determining whether or not arrows go through a shield. That's preposterous, and unnecessary. Player's should be able to block arrows right from the start.


4. Introduction of timing (I don't see evidence of it currently in game? If I'm wrong, please let me know.) but timing should have a large influence on whether or not a hit is blocked. After two seconds, the players block skill should begin to drain, accounting for the greater possibility of an opponent landing a hit.


5. Separate the keybinding for shield bash, and allow a player to still strike with his weapon while his shield is up, and make the shield bash a little more varied (ala deadly reflex).


That's all that I can think of for now. If anyone else has other suggestions, feel free to throw them out.


Woo skyrim!

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