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Question about Enchanting


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So I recently got back into Skyrim, downloaded some nice armor mods and decided to imbue that with some sick enchantments. All good, until I noticed my enchantments are not as strong as they previously were (figures how rusty I am lol). I'm roleplaying as a 100% pure mage build, so I use no potions at all, not even for Enchantments. So here's my enchanting stats:

  • Lv.100 Enchanting,
  • Ahzidal's Genius,
  • Seeker of Sorcery,
  • Grand Soul Gems.

I'm currently getting 28% spell cost reduction with that configuration, but my old sets of clothing all have 32% spell cost reduction somehow. Keep in mind I never use potions, ever, so no elixirs involved. Am I missing something like a standing stone or is the 28% the right number? I'm also unaware if they changed something regarding enchantments.


tl;dr: what's the maximum spell cost reduction you can achieve without any potions?

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I think I just found the problem. I probably turned my character into a vampire before enchanting my old gear, so I could benefit from the Necromage perk. I also probably consumed an Enchanter's Elixir before doing that, even though I don't remember using it, and I got 32% spell cost reduction, instead of the 33% obtained during the tests. Here's the data I gathered:


Vanilla game:
Human character + no Enchanter's Elixir: 25% spell cost reduction
Human character + Enchanter's Elixir: 28% spell cost reduction
Vampire character + no Enchanter's Elixir: 28% spell cost reduction
Vampire character + Enchanter's Elixir: 33% spell cost reduction
Working perfectly fine with the vanilla game and getting the 25% Vampire + Necromage bonus just as intended.
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch:
Human character + no Enchanter's Elixir: 28% spell cost reduction
Human character + Enchanter's Elixir: 36% spell cost reduction
Vampire character + no Enchanter's Elixir: 28% spell cost reduction
Vampire character + Enchanter's Elixir: 36% spell cost reduction
Clearly broken. No bonus obtained for enchanting as a Vampire with the Necromage perk and getting a +25% bonus out of nowhere. I couldn't find any information about it on the change log here, so I'm keeping this unofficial patch uninstalled and I'll just load an old save, until I find an explanation on why this is happening.
Edited by TravelFreely
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I said I never use potions, for anything, just pure enchanting. And I got it back to normal after removing USLEP anyway, would still be nice to know why USLEP gives you a +25% buff for enchanting, and I couldn't find anything at the changelog regarding that buff.

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I said I never use potions, for anything, just pure enchanting. And I got it back to normal after removing USLEP anyway, would still be nice to know why USLEP gives you a +25% buff for enchanting, and I couldn't find anything at the changelog regarding that buff.

Sorry, missed that. Scanning too fast on my lunch break.

Edited by HalloweenWeed
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