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Fake fullscreen/borderless window not working? [pic]


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Long story short i need fake fullscreen because my game has a fps stutter no matter what i do unless i play in windowed 800x600 and fake fullscreen basically stretches that out right? It worked for me on Fo3 and got rid of the stutter. So for some odd reason every fake fullscreen or borderless window mode whatever you call it keeps giving me the pic you see. It remains windowed but the rest of my screen black, it's annoying the life out of me and i've tried everything to fix it. Please help



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Are you using NVSE? If so, use this mod. Works for me.


I'm guessing you have an LCD or LED display, no? Such have a "native resolution" and don't really scale when you tell them to use other resolutions, unlike the old analog systems. Instead they "adjust" the rendered image to that size within their native rez. With the result you are getting. The difference is what is doing the adjustment: the hardware or the software.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Then "where" are you telling it to use 800x600 rez? In the game hardware "Options", on the display hardware menu itself, or in the Windows control panel, or somewhere else?


PS: I added a bit to the original reply.



i have fallout nv set to that res from the game's options, even with other resolutions or custom resolutions i made editing the preference file it still does it. I don't think the monitor is the problem, it was going completely fullscreen yesterday but it still had the fps stutter which was weird since i did the same for fo3 and it didn't stutter. Today all of a sudden after trying out a few fake fullscreens and onetweaks, this happened. My monitor's full res is 1360x768.

Edited by Supabad95
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Wait, it didn't put this 800x600 image in the upper left corner until AFTER you tried several different attempts at "fake fullscreen"? Then try renaming the INI files in your "C:\Users\<youraccountname>\Documents\My Games\Fallout New Vegas" folder to something else and let the game rebuild them. Likely the various mods made different changes to the INI files and are now conflicting. Rebuilding the INIs should clear that out. By renaming them you can then refer to them for other changes you had made.


Meanwhile the preferred solution would be to let you run at the native res (i.e. "full screen") without stutter. Stutter is usually the result of insufficient "fast" video memory, so the graphic system has to use slower system memory. You don't want to completely fill your video memory for this reason. It can also result when it has to pull graphics from the disk drive, which is even slower yet but this is considered "major" stuttering where you have to wait several seconds upon cell changes.


The primary reason it occurs where it hadn't been an issue from the beginning is the addition of too many "high res" textures. Some people claim to be able to detect the difference between 2048x2048 (High) and 4096x4096 (Ultra) res, but frankly I can't see it above 1024x1024 (Medium) (and my handwriting is considered "microscopic", so I am long used to seeing small differences). The larger the texture res, the fewer frames that can be buffered in video memory. The use of "post-processing" effects like ENB and SweetFX add to this. Tom's Hardware has an article explaining what is really involved in graphic performance. (It's not just video memory size. More isn't always better.)


I don't know just what you attempted to fix that stuttering, but take a look at the wiki article "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting Guide". There are several "Issues" related to stuttering:

* "Vanilla Game Bugs" lists a number of recommended stability mods, including "New Vegas Stutter Remover" (NVSR; which likely you have tried already).

* "CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding" deals with the heap size and can have an indirect impact.

* "Game in slow motion" can be mistaken for stuttering/lag.

* 'Lag or "micro stutters" even with "New Vegas Stutter Remover" installed'.

* "ENB Performance (FPS) drops", while focused upon ENB issues, does have links to a number of articles on tweaking your system for best performance in general.



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