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Fallout 3?


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Would anyone be willing to help make a total conversion mod to bring The Capital Wasteland into the Fallout 4 engine? I have time, but not a lot of skill with modelling. I have never been able to finish Fallout 3 because of the atrocious combat mechanics, and I was hoping to import the game (I know its much much more complicated than that) into the Fallout 4 engine so that I can finally learn what happens, and whether 3 dog is actually some kind of dog, or just a raving lunatic.


any help or advice on this matter is greatly appreciated

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IIRC, The Tale of Two Wastelands Team (T4!) has shown interest, but also a bit of skepticism as far as it being possible (without a metric f***ton of work) due to the different engines and the effective need to recreate EVERY asset in the FO4 engine.


(One of the) Relevant Thread(s): https://taleoftwowastelands.com/content/ttw-tale-three-wastelands

Edited by SargeWashington
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Well, I didn't expect to do it over the weekend... but I figure people are STILL making mods for Skyrim, what, 6 years on? if it takes me 5-6 years to recreate Fallout 3 in the Fallout 4 engine it would be worth it, I'm just shite at modeling and textures, so it might take longer if I'm doing it myself.

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